
To release this track in tandem with all the remixes presented in a playlist. Ideally around the 21st-24th Sept ’21. We are limited by time and understand that you are too. Therefore, there is no hard and fast deadline. We can delay release of the track until the remixes are completed and/or add subsequent remixes to the playlist.

Furthermore, once all remixes are complete, we can discuss further collaborations involving us remixing your remixes or you remixing each other’s remixes. Since we appreciate and respect the output of all the artists we have invited, it would please us if previously unconnected creators collaborated.


The concept of this remix project is to use only the samples/stems provided. There will be plenty of material to choose from, so we insist on this limitation. The sounds and samples provided should only be used for the purpose of this remix.
For unity of presentation we advise naming tracks in the following manner:
Hell Feeder – Mabon (YOUR NAME Remix)
Should everyone agree to permanently host their remix on their own page then we will repost all remixes and create a playlist. If people are limited on the amount of time/space on their profile (for those with unpaid accounts) we can discuss solutions regarding where the remix is posted.


You are completely free to use the provided material in any way you choose (for the purposes of this remix project alone). You may reconstitute the provided sound through sampling/processing/FX as you desire. Any BPM, genre, style or vibe. It is entirely your choice. We enjoy experimentation and welcome you to experiment with our sounds taking them in whatever extreme direction suits you. We admire everyone we have invited (and many more we have not invited). We do not require that you use all the sounds, nor that your finished remix resembles the original at all. We invite you to bend and stretch these sounds to your taste with the confidence that we invited you to do so. DO YOU!

Artwork for the remix.

Hell Feeder will provide you with the artwork for your remix. If you have already made artwork for your remix please email it to and we will add it to this page and also post it on our social media channels crediting you.

Additional Info

Should this invitation reach you at an inopportune time and you find yourself inclined and interested yet unable to collaborate, please let us know. We will then keep you in mind for future collaboration possibilities.
Hell Feeder




The celebration of the Autumnal Equinox, Harvest Home, Mabon, the Feast of the Ingathering, is a modern Pagan ritual of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and the God during the coming winter months. The name Mabon was coined by Aidan Kelly around 1970 as a reference to Mabon ap Modron, a character from Welsh mythology. Among the Sabbats, it is the second of the three Pagan harvest festivals, preceded by Lammas / Lughnasadh and followed by Samhain. (Source Wikipedia)

Hell Feeder shared our track Mabon to remix with a number of invited artists from Soundcloud. These artists were handpicked simply because we were big fans of their creative output.

Below are artist links to those who contributed towards what has proved to be an exciting and eclectic aural project. Thanks to everyone that got involved.

(Artists appear in chronological order based on receipt)

Blessed Be. HF


Wayfarer DG

Holmfirth, United Kingdom

wayfarer dg

Lady of Fire Poetry

Tanisha Jackland
(ChiLd of the SuN & RaiN), United States